Maybank Asset Management Group (“MAMG”) is committed to the highest standard of ethics and integrity in its conduct of business and operations. As part of this commitment, MAMG has in place an avenue for disclosure of any improper conduct.
OBJECTIVES OF THIS POLICYThe objective of this policy is to ensure that all employees and members of the public have access to secured channels to make disclosures on any improper conduct by any member or representative of MAMG, with the assurance that there will be no repercussion against them so long as the report are made in good faith.
SCOPEImproper conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Bribery and corruption;
- Fraud, theft or embezzlement;
- Abuse of power by an employee;
- Conflict of interest;
- Breach of MAMG policy and procedure;
- Failure to comply with legal and regulatory obligations;
- Unauthorised disclosure of customer information;
- Breach of Maybank Group Code of Conduct; and
- Concealment of any of the above.
Any person who is aware of, or has reasonable grounds to suspect that, any improper conduct has been committed by an employee or representative of MAMG can make a disclosure.
DISCLOSURE CHANNELSDisclosures can be made via any of the following channels to any of the following Designated Recipients (“DR”):
Channel | Address |
[email protected] | |
Letter | P.O. Box 10101, GPO Kuala Lumpur, 50704 Kuala Lumpur |
Whistleblowers are encouraged to include the following information in the disclosure to facilitate investigations:
- Name of person(s) involved;
- Date and time of the event;
- Nature of the event;
- Witness to the event, if any; and
- Evidence of the event, if any.
Bank Negara Malaysia | |
Securities Commission | |
Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission | |
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan | |
The identity of a whistleblower who made a disclosure in good faith will be kept confidential and will only be disclosed on a strictly need-to-know basis. Employees who whistleblow in good faith will also be protected by MAMG from any repercussion.
AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD (ACB)The ACB is chaired by an Independent Non-Executive Director and provides avenue to ensure that any reports or disclosures made via the whistleblowing channels are accorded with adequate attention, independence, investigation and remedial action, where necessary.